Pretty in PINK! At the birthday girl's request, there was pink as far as the eye could see. We had pink lemonade (our "tea"), pink cupcakes, pink cookies, pink flowers, pink balloons, pink feather boas, and more pink! Did I mention that Sophie likes pink?
Katie and Sarah are modeling the latest in princess fashion...our party hat craft that kicked off the morning!
We played some fun tea party-themed games
And of course, we had to do some music activities! This was the cupcake march with our lollipop drums!
Time to sing Happy Birthday...
The kids enjoyed their tea and cupcake treats!
Sophie's favorite part was the pink frosting.
Sophie had lots of little helpers during present opening time. All of the kids seemed to enjoy seeing what was in those pretty packages!
Clint and I got Sophie her first big girl bike (with the Disney princesses on it of course) and she couldn't wait to ride it later that afternoon.
Here is Sophie with all of her protective biker girl gear on. When she went for her first ride, I was holding onto the handlebar with a white-knuckled grip, but after a while she wanted to ride on her own. I cautiously let go saying, "Be careful, don't go too fast, remember to break...!" Sophie (sounding like quite the grown up) said, "Mooooom, I know what to do." And she was off. It was such a symbolic moment. She is growing up so fast and I know there will be many more moments over the years when I will have to let go and let her become Sophie. I am so proud of her already. She has shown me how strong, smart, and self-sufficient that she is. By the way, she did a great job riding that bike. She looked like a pro her first ride down the street handling curves and breaking when she got going too fast. I officially have a big girl and I love her more today than ever! Happy 4th Birthday my sweet Sophie!
We really enjoyed the Little Land Band! Stacy Clearman is also known as Pastor Stacy, worship leader/music director, at the church we have been going to, Church Alive in Fuquay-Varina.
Our beautiful tissue paper hair bow craft :)
This is the very large puppet that Sophie got to help hold up during the parade. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time and Sophie was able to help some other kids hold up the back. She was so excited!
Having a little fun before the acorn drop...
3, 2, 1 ... Happy New Year!!!
We hope your New Year is filled with many blessings! Happy 2008!!