Friday, November 28, 2008

4 months old

Miss Elizabeth Rose is 4 months old today!  I love her sweet smiles.  She began to giggle a couple of weeks ago and she is trying to use her voice more every day.  Baby Ella is still our little peanut. She weighs 10 lbs. and 8 oz. just 4 oz. more than last month which is not great, but it is a small victory for her!  She also grew 1  1/2" taller!  3 of my friends at church recommended a new practitioner for us to try.  Suzie is a family nurse practitioner who specializes in pediatrics.  We went in to meet with her recently and found out that she is a major advocate for breastfeeding and she supports our desire to seek natural treatments for Ella's reflux.  She was concerned about Ella's slow weight gain and she suggested that we do some blood work to try to find some answers.  We did learn that Ella is anemic so we are giving her an iron supplement.  We go back on Friday, Dec. 5th for a weight check and Ella's 4 month exam so hopefully we will get some good news!  

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Two very special reasons why I am thankful

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; his love endures forever!"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snuggle Bunny

Both of my girls have a special snuggle friend and they are both affectionately known as "snuggle bunny".  Sophie got her snuggle bunny when she was 15 months old and they have been inseparable ever since.  To this day, Sophie can not go to sleep at night without snuggle bunny in her arms.  Here are some pics of Sophie and snuggle bunny:


At 15 months old...

Sophie had eye surgery to correct an eye muscle imbalance and snuggle bunny was her new friend from nana and papa to help her get through the surgery and recovery.  

Recently, Ella has taken a liking to her very own snuggle bunny as well and it is so sweet.  She loves to hold snuggle bunny up to her face and give her a squeeze.  

This photo was not posed... she loves to hold her snuggle bunny.  Clint, the engineer, designed the binky holder from a rolled up blanket that you see above so her binky wouldn't keep popping out of her mouth.  He's so funny :).  Sweet dreams baby!  

Decision '08

Well, Decision '08 in our home may not have been as important as the presidential election; however, we did have a family vote of our own and the results are in: Elizabeth has a nickname. Actually, she has several names if you include babsies, babykins, sweet baby, sweet pea, peanut, pooper-stink (Clint's words of endearment), and little sissy.  We still call her Elizabeth when we call her by name, but we will be calling her Ella.  I remember with Sophie it just happened naturally one day.  I called her Sophia when she was first born, but over time she just became Sophie.  Thanks to those who helped us decide :)  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So far so good!

I am happy to write that Elizabeth has gone without medication for 5 days and she is doing really well.  I am not sure what she weighs today because I don't have a scale at home yet, but I have been nursing her every two hours during the day and every 4-5 hours at night. Miraculously, she has not vomited a large quantity since Saturday!  She is still spitting up, but all babies spit up some :).  Her fussiness has also decreased drastically.  My mom was over yesterday and she noticed the difference as well.

I never should have doubted my breastmilk.  God designed it to be the perfect nourishment for our babies!  I have always been an advocate for breastfeeding and its benefits which go far beyond nutrition, but it is hard to be confident when people and doctors are questioning your ability to produce enough milk for your baby.  Fortunately, I have some good friends that reminded me and encouraged me to just continue nursing as frequently as possible and it has really helped!  The extra feedings have taken the place of medication and the breastmilk is proving to have a far greater healing effect for Elizabeth.

I never should have doubted the Lord either.  Sometimes my fears get in the way of my faith, but God has gently reminded me that I can trust Him to provide exactly what we need.