Sunday, November 22, 2009

32 weeks complete...only 8 to go!

Wow!  I really can't believe another due date is just around the corner.  The time has really flown by with this pregnancy.  I am trying to enjoy my belly and feeling baby girl move as much as possible during these busy days.  I am already starting to feel sad about this pregnancy coming to an end because it will probably be my last.  I know that sounds crazy and of course I am looking forward to holding our little girl, but I also love being pregnant.  There is something so amazing about being a life giver.  What a miracle to be growing a life inside of me and giving birth to one of God's creations!  I will miss that part, however; I do feel very blessed and honored to be given these little girls to love, care for, teach and train.

As far as being "prepared" for baby girl's birth, we are all.  I have moments of panic and nesting, but it is not as bad this time as it was when I was awaiting Ella's arrival.  I am going to try to get the car seat washed and installed in the mini van this weekend.  Maybe I will even make a list of all the "to-do's" as well.  I guess I am more relaxed because I know all baby girl really needs in the beginning is love and mama's milk (and maybe some diapers would be good too).  I am also too tired this time to get everything done that I would normally like to have accomplished before a baby comes.  I am trying to just let some things go and make sure I am taking care of myself and the girls (and the house and my husband too) :).

Belly at 30 weeks...  

At 32 weeks...getting bigger and bigger :)

And here are the current stats...

How far along?  32 weeks

Total weight gain:  27 lbs.

Fundal Height (measurement of uterus):  32 cm

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah.  There is no other choice in pants at this point although I do have some non-maternity long sweaters that will still fit over the belly :).

Stretch marks? Truth time - no new ones, but I do have one that I got during my first pregnancy with Sophie.  In my younger, less wise days, I had to get a belly button ring.  I took the ring out when I got pregnant with Sophie (or maybe a little before that), but it left a hole and a small scar and of course my growing, pregnant belly stretched the scar tissue. After 3 pregnant bellies, the scar is now a permanent stretch mark that extends about 1 inch from the top of my belly button.  Oh well...lesson learned.  

Sleep: I am waking up every night now sometimes multiple times during the night.  I have terrible sciatic nerve pain through my right side and heartburn/reflux pain as well.  It's ok...I know it won't last much longer.

Movement: All the time!  I hope she is not that squirmy out of the womb :)!

Food cravings:  Sweets.  I have to eat smaller meals at a time now too because my stomach is being smashed and I get full faster.

Gender:  Another girl!

Name: Top agreed upon picks are still Mary, Emilie, or Lily for first names and Claire or Kate for a middle name.  

Belly Button in or out?  Out

What I miss:  Walking, sitting, movement without pain in my hips, butt, or lower back.  

What I love most:  My baby belly...holding her, feeling her move.

Weekly Wisdom:  Slow down to cherish every fleeting moment and find time to sit and rest!

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

You should be a pregnancy model! Seriously! I'm sorry about the aches and pains and not sleeping well. It is almost all behind you and then you will only feel tired all the time. :) It is a wonderful, powerful feeling to know that a beautiful life is about to be born into your very own hands. You are very brave to take the challenge as you do.