Friday, May 30, 2008

Beauty at the Beach

Over Memorial Day weekend, Sophie soaked up the sunscreen at the beach! We went to Tucker Lake in Benson. It is a great way to take a day trip to the beach a lot closer to home. They have picnic tables with BBQ's, playgrounds, paddle boats, beach volleyball, and lots of sand and water! The lake has a very gradual slope which made mommy feel better as well. Enjoy the pics!

Just chillin' after our picnic...

"My princess shades are so cool!"

Our beauty at the beach...always ready to strike a pose :)!

Going in for a swim with Clint-y
Sophie won the splashing competition...
...and the race back to shore!

Sun + Sand + Water = Lots of fun and a nap on the way home... oh yeah!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big Sister

Sophie is getting ready to be the "big sister"! She has been so sweet already. She talks to her little sister all the time. She tells her little sister about all the things she will teach her, she reads to her, cuddles with her, and she always says good morning, good night, and good-bye with kisses and hugs to my belly. Sophie is going to be a great big sister!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our Long Journey to Home

In November 2007, our house went on the market for sale by owner after we felt convicted to reduce our large mortgage payment. After a few months and no offers, we took the sign out of the yard and prayed and continued to work hard to prepare the house to sell. In March 2008, we listed the house with our friend and real estate agent. Although we got off to a slow start, we ended up having 14 showings in 6 weeks and 6 of those showings were in one weekend! Three real estate agents called and said that they were preparing offers with their clients for our home. We had a very exciting week last week awaiting an offer or two or three to come in, but to our surprise, not one offer came in. All three families chose different homes.

So, after more prayer and the realization that this is just not the right time for us to sell (for many reasons), we took the house off the market and we will be refinancing instead. We have so much peace about this decision and we are relieved to know where our home is. We are expecting our baby girl to arrive in about 11 weeks and now we can just focus on that event in our lives instead of worrying about packing and moving and resettling before, during, or shortly after her birth. We know that God will provide while we are in this house as He always has and when the time is right sometime down the road, we will sell. However, for now, we are home and I am so glad! This weekend we will be preparing a nursery and I can't wait! Hopefully I will have some pictures to share as we get everything done.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The 3's

Lately, I have been reflecting on some very significant 3's in my life and how they have all changed me.

I have officially entered the 3rd trimester of this pregnancy...yeah! We are all counting down the days until we meet our baby girl, Elizabeth Rose. When I think about this new life we are about to have, I am filled with so much happiness and gratitude.

3 years ago, I was experiencing 3 deaths at this time of year. One grandmother passed away and then about 30 days later, my other grandmother passed away. On that same day, my first husband left Sophie and I and I lost my marriage. I remember how empty I felt after I heard the news from my mom and then watched my husband carry the last box out of the house. In that moment of grief, I did not believe that I would ever recover.

God promises His children that He will renew our hope and our strength, restore our wasted years, turn what was intended to harm us into something good, and turn our weeping into joy. I am so grateful today that God has fulfilled all of these promises in my life. I remember the pain and sadness only so I can thank God for hearing my cries for comfort and help, carrying me through that difficult time, and giving me peace and new life to find great joy in. We have such a loving Father.

It is easy for me to be grateful in this amazing season of happiness with so much new life to look forward to, however, I am reminded as well to be grateful at all times because He is with us no matter what we are going through.