Friday, November 28, 2008

4 months old

Miss Elizabeth Rose is 4 months old today!  I love her sweet smiles.  She began to giggle a couple of weeks ago and she is trying to use her voice more every day.  Baby Ella is still our little peanut. She weighs 10 lbs. and 8 oz. just 4 oz. more than last month which is not great, but it is a small victory for her!  She also grew 1  1/2" taller!  3 of my friends at church recommended a new practitioner for us to try.  Suzie is a family nurse practitioner who specializes in pediatrics.  We went in to meet with her recently and found out that she is a major advocate for breastfeeding and she supports our desire to seek natural treatments for Ella's reflux.  She was concerned about Ella's slow weight gain and she suggested that we do some blood work to try to find some answers.  We did learn that Ella is anemic so we are giving her an iron supplement.  We go back on Friday, Dec. 5th for a weight check and Ella's 4 month exam so hopefully we will get some good news!  

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