So here are her stats:
Weight: 11 lbs. (less than 5% - not officially on the growth chart yet)
Height: 24 1/4" (10-15%)
Head: 15 3/4" (less than 5%)
Ella's doctor at UNC took some other body measurements yesterday and determined that she is proportionately small which is a good sign! She has made some improvements developmentally as well. A couple of days before Christmas she started reaching for things and holding them. By Christmas Eve, she was helping to open her own presents and even playing with toys! On Dec. 28th, her 5 month birthday, she rolled from her tummy to her back. She is also trying to sit up and pick up her head more. These are all great signs that she is building back the muscle mass that she lost and gaining new strength. We have two more appointments scheduled this month to monitor Ella's growth, but it seems she is really doing well!
We had to redo one test yesterday so we are still waiting for some results, but the rest of her recent tests have come back within normal ranges so that is good news as well.
Since I have been force feeding Ella a little bit to help her gain weight, her reflux has been really bad. She is constantly spitting up lately. We started a new medication today so hopefully that will make a difference. I have been breastfeeding her exclusively, but this week we are going to try some cereal and within the month we are going to try some sweet potatoes.
Ella also got her first tooth! Her bottom left front tooth broke through Christmas Eve morning. Note the drool dripping from her chin in the picture below :). Her bottom right front tooth and her two top front teeth will not be far behind! So now I will be wiping up gallons of drool along with spit fun!
Congratulations! So glad to hear that she is now gaining. Avocado is an awesome first food AND a great weight gainer too. It is the only fruit with plenty of fat and protein. Very easy on the tummy too. Banana is good too.
Wanted to post a happy belated birthday to you and a happy upcoming birthday to Sophie. God bless and happy new year.
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