This year, Sophie is attending a traditional public school. This is a huge shift for us and we are taking it one day at a time, but Sophie enjoys it most days so far. We loved our homeschool experience last year and we may go back to it in the future, but we are really trying to give traditional school a try. Why the change? Initially, it was because I was getting a lot of pressure from Sophie's dad and others to send Sophie to school and it is difficult to stand up to that on a regular basis. I grew weary of defending the benefits of homeschooling. I still believe that homeschooling is a better educational choice for Sophie with numerous benefits that go above and beyond school work, but we have decided to take a break from it for now. Sophie misses homeschooling too, but she also loves recess and lunch time and riding the school bus with her new friends. Tax dollars well spent :). In all fairness, Sophie has a wonderful teacher who loves the Lord and loves to teach. As the school year progresses, the school work should become more challenging and Sophie will be more interested in learning.
Clint also encouraged me to look at the advantages of traditional school and there have been some really great ones. I am able to spend more time focusing my attention on Ella and Kate. Ella is really blossoming. She was speech delayed and now she is saying new words every day and putting together 5 word sentences. I have seen Ella emerge into her own person instead of always following Sophie's lead. Kate is so happy and fun to play with and I am really enjoying our moments together. I also have a lot to accomplish around the house right now since we just moved. I have boxes to unpack and organization to do so I can make our home liveable in addition to the normal housework. Sophie is meeting new friends while she is at school during the day and that is helping her to make the adjustment to a new town. This is good timing for our whole family to try something different.
Sophie has also had the opportunity to share about Jesus with some kids on the school bus and a little girl who had never heard His name before! God has a plan for Sophie's life and He is already using her to share His great love with other kids. That's the only reason I really need to send her to public school. Sophie just may have the gift of evangelism and she may be right where God wants her to be so He can use her to tell others about Jesus and the great hope we have in Christ!
Yeah. You're back. Appreciate the pictures so much.
So glad to catch up on you. Sad you are further away but glad you are happy there. I know you are a fantastic homeschool mom and can give her a superior education at home, but I also know that God will work through His children to bring glory to His name in any circumstance. I rejoice with you over Sophie's witness in the schools. Sophie will do well wherever she is schooled for you have laid a firm foundation for her on God's word, and she is such a talented, smart young lady.
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