We got home yesterday from our first family camping trip. This truly was a first time camping experience for Sophie and only a second time for me. I went once 8 years ago as a youth group leader with my church and quickly came to the conclusion that I would never go again. I really appreciate our modern amenities and I am not so great at "roughin' it". Clint, my country boy, happens to be an old pro at camping. He loved bonding with nature these last couple of days and teaching Sophie and I how to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors. We all ended up having a great time and Clint is slowly, but surely turning this city girl into a country lovin' gal. Is there a country song about that? Probably.
Our picturesque campsite at Jordan Lake
The Jeep was packed full of supplies to make our stay a little homier
Our "living space"

The "kitchen/dining area"

The "bedroom"

We had a very cozy night's sleep. Pregnant mommy was in the middle of the air mattress so with a little help from gravity, Sophie and Clint were pretty much sleeping on top of me all night long. I really had to pee too, but I couldn't get up!
Clint bought Sophie her own little tent to play in. She learned how to put it together herself (with a little help) and she loved having her own space to color and do puzzles.
"Is it time to make the campfire yet?"

Sophie started asking us to build a campfire as soon as we got there. Royal Ranger, Clint, finally showed her how to build the campfire as the sun was setting. Evidently you separate the wood in piles from smallest to largest (pictured above) which also made for a fun activity for Sophie and then you build a tee-pee with the smallest pieces first (pictured below)

Our campfire grew...

and grew...
and GREW (I had to ask..."honey, is it supposed to get that big?" Mommy was a little nervous)!
Day 2 - "Let's make another campfire!"

Sophie's favorite part of the camping trip was the campfire and it was the first thing she wanted to do the next day... along with roasting marshmallows, and making smores and hot cocoa of course (what a nutritious breakfast!)

A little mommy-daughter time at the campfire. Doesn't Sophie look like such a big girl?

"I love roasted marshmallows!!!"
"But I'm all sticky now!"

Clint and Sophie enjoyed their hot cocoa together... "Cheers to camping!"

Sophie and I had matching shirts on and she thought that was so cool that she asked Clint to take a picture of us in our matching shirts. I wonder how many more years she will think it is cool to match with mommy?
Time to go :(

Sophie's expression says it all...she was bummed out about going home. Maybe a hot dog will cheer her up?
Time to pack up

What a good helper :)

Even our dog, Max, helped out :)
"This was the best trip ever...I love camping!" I'm so glad we all had such a good time. I can definitely say after this weekend that I WILL go camping again!
So cute! Looks like you had a wonderful time! :o)
You are just amazing going camping and being pregnant. What awesome pictures and a special time before your precious bundle arrives.
Now if you could just convince Brian that camping is such a nice "family bonding time". He really likes the comforts of home. :)
What great memories you are making. I'm a former girl scout and I had forgotten how to build a fire. Thanks for the lesson. Sounds like Clint is a pro-camper and that he went all out to make his girls feel comfortable. Way to go Clint. And good for you, Kristen, for being such a great sport...pregnant, too.
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